Dol Ammad choir recordings – Soprano day 1

by | Sep 8, 2011 | Dol Ammad

Dol Ammad - Hyperspeed recordings (Sopranos)

It has begun….! I recently recruited old and new Dol Ammad members for the choir recordings and we have begun with the high pitched frequencies of the Sopranos. The Sopranos for “Hyperspeed” are Kortessa, Anila Tershana Teli and Melina Paschalidou.

It was so refreshing to record choir vocals for Dol Ammad once again. Hearing your music and lyrics come to life is a magic feeling…

Dol Ammad Choir recordings - Soprano day 1

The girls were amazing, their voices blended perfectly with each other and I was ecstatic with the result. Here I am posing proudly in my control room:

Dol Ammad Choir recordings - Soprano day 1

By the end of the day we had a great time together with some killer vocals for the new Dol Ammad album. Looking forward to day 2!

Dol Ammad Choir recordings - Soprano day 1

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