World Oceans Day 2014

by | Jun 8, 2014 | Thanasis

World Oceans Day

Since 2008 the 8th of June is officially celebrated as the World Oceans Day. A reminder of the wondrous magic of the seas but also of the big problems that threaten marine life and our planet every day. Living in such a sea based country as Greece, the sea has always been a great inspiration for me and my music.


photo credit: jessleecuizon via photopin cc

My second Dol Ammad album Ocean Dynamics was inspired by the powers and beauty of the oceans.

Liquid desert calling me
To the bottom of the sea
Leave your world and you will see
A new life of blue and peace

A little trivia: The sea sound in the beginning of the above “Liquid Desert” song is not a sound recording but a synthesized sound design. 😛


photo credit: williamcho via photopin cc

The Oceans provide us with most of the oxygen that we breathe. They regulate the climate and feed us. Yet over-consumption of fish and marine pollution pose serious threats to the planet’s well-being.

Head over to to learn all about this special day and how you can become involved.

Beach in Sharm el-Naga03

Check out this TED speech about the Plastic Pollution Coalition:

We should all rethink our consumption habits and question our true needs into how we can cover them using sustainable resources and earth friendly materials.


Another type of problem regarding the seas that we currently face in Greece, is a new proposed legislation by our government that will allow blind commercial exploitation of our beautiful shorelines. This legislation removes the right of access to the seashore, allows the building of permanent structures for private profit and allows many more disastrous activities to the Greek coastlines.

If you have 1 minute please sign this petition to stop this disastrous legislation.

This same destructive practices took place in Spain with 75% of the Spanish coast being urbanized. Check the warning letter that the head of WWF Spain sent over to the Greek Ministers regarding this matter.

Sea turtle

photo credit: coda via photopin cc

I’d love to hear your thoughts on any other ways we can both celebrate the beauty and also raise awareness for the problems that the oceans face today. Thank you.

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