It’s been 8 years since the release of “Ocean Dynamics” and I decided to share some thoughts.
World Oceans Day 2014
A reminder of the wondrous magic of the seas but also of the big problems that threaten marine life and our planet every day.
Dol Ammad – Solarwinds (music video)
A massive solar storm is expected to hit the Earth and especially Greece today the 28th of May.
Sea Of Tranquility – “Ocean Dynamics” Review
It has been a breathless and challenging trip at times, but there’s no denying the skill and effort required to make this music work with the strength and clarity with which it does.
Avantgarde Metal – “Ocean Dynamics” Review
I find it to be a fantastical album, where ocean meets universe with a lot of atmosphere in between. All my thumbs, including big toes up!
Reviews and Electro-Metal special
Lots of great Reviews for the Dol Ammad music keep coming in.
Ocean Dynamics at iTunes and CDbaby
We are proud to announce that the Dol Ammad second album “Ocean Dynamics” is now also available in the Apple digital music store.
Distributors, New T-shirts on the way and current status.
Greetings fellow space travelers!
HeavyLaw Ocean Dynamics Streaming
The positive reviews for “Ocean Dynamics” are starting to pour in and we’ll soon update the reviews section of the Dol Ammad website.
New Album! New Label! New Website!
It is with great pleasure that I would like to present you with a new Dol Ammad experience!